5th June, 2002
Ministry of I.T & Communication  


A Geographical Information System(GIS) based Watershed Planning and Management Software called ‘WATMAN’ has been developed by National Centre for Human Settlement & Environment (NCHSE), Bhopal under the technical guidance and funding of Department of Information Technology, Ministry of Communications&IT. The package has been successfully used in watershed development planning for Mohi micro watershed and Sardarpur milli watershed.

WATMAN software has been supplied and used in various watershed project sponsored by Rajiv Gandhi Watershed Mission, CAPART. The package is available through NCHSE, Bhopal and the E-mail address is nchse@bom6.vsnl.net.in, nchse@sancharnet.in

Watershed management involves planning using multi criteria strategy considering socio-economic factors, cropping patterns, slope, rainfall, drainage etc, the end result of watershed planning is proposal for implementation of various water harvesting structures alongwith engineering details, alternative cropping pattern, land use etc.

Majority of Indian Farmers and rural population at large depend on rain for their agriculture, fodder and other day to day needs. In medium and low rainfall areas, soil moisture conservation and water harvesting are important for crop production and livelihood of rural mass. Integrated Watershed management has been recognised as an effective strategy for sustainable development of complete area. It is in fact effective method for drought proofing of the country.