5th June, 2002
Ministry of Coal  


Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited's (NLC) power generation during the month of April 2002 was 1361.07 MU whereas the target for the month earmarked was 1288 MU. NLC also exceeded power generation figures of corresponding month of last year i.e 2001 by about 59 MU. Power export during April 2002 was 1171.49 MU against the target of 1098 MU. Power export during the period April 2001 was 1103.78 which was about 68 MU less in comparison to the current month. The lignite production during the month of April 2002 was 13.99 lakh tonnes which was about one lakh tonne less than the target of the month.

Coal production during the month of April 2002 was 24.97 MT whereas the coal production during April 2001 was 23.48 MT. The off-take during the current month was 26.41 MT whereas the off-take during April 2001 was 25.66 MT.

The total outstanding dues of CIL from all sectors of consumers as on April 17, 2002 were Rs. 6791.87 crores. The dues of NLC on account of sale of power, outstanding from the State Electricity Boards as on April 30, 2002 were Rs. 2963.16 crores.