5th June, 2002
Ministry of Commerce & Industry  


Dr. Raman Singh, Minister of State for Commerce & Industry, has emphasised the importance of modernisation of intellectual property administration to face the challenges of economic liberlisation and globalisation. While inaugurating the Modernised Design Office today in Kolkata, Dr. Singh said that opening of this office would significantly enhance the quality of the services like computerised database, search facilities and grant of registration of design within shorter time. Shri A.E.Ahmed, Joint Secretary, Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion and Shri R.V.Patel, Controller General, Patent Design & TradeMark were present on the occasion.

The Minister informed that a part of the Patent Office in Kolkata has been identified for the Design Office with all modern facilities with infrastructure support and computerisation with networking facilities. Work Manual for design is under preparation to ensure uniformity in the procedure to be followed by different officers, he added. Dr. Singh stated that the new Designs Act of 2000, which was operationalised from 11th May 2001, has opened up registration for designs to nationals of member countries of Paris Convention and Indian Design Office now fully caters to an international intellectual property community. He informed that the new legislation has resulted in an increase in the number of applications filed, from 3227 in 2000-01 to 3350 in 2001-02.

Modernised Patent Offices have already started functioning in Delhi and Chennai. A modern Geographical Indications Registry has also been set up in Chennai and work on the modernisation of patent offices and trademarks registries in Kolkata and Mumbai is at an advanced stage.


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