24th July, 2002
Ministry of Information & Broadcasting  


Reacting to the Press statements attributed to the Cable Operators regarding the passage of the Cable Amendment Bill in the Rajya Sabha, the Information and Broadcasting Minister, Smt. Sushma Swaraj said that transaction of Legislative Business is entirely the prerogative of the Parliament and is governed by well laid down Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business for the two Houses. No external pressure can or should influence the legislative procedure of business. Further, reacting to some Press reports that a section of the Cable Operators had reportedly threatened to cut off the cable connections of those Members of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) who oppose the passing of the Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Amendment Bill 2002, she said, this was an unfortunate and undesirable development. Such an attitude on the part of Cable Operators is neither in their own interest, nor in the interest of the general public.

She clarified that the CAS Bill has not been withdrawn by the Government. Rather, it has been temporarily de-listed from the business of Rajya Sabha and the reason for this is that the Government is seeking to evolve a general consensus on this consumer friendly legislation. It will be recalled that this Bill was passed in the Lok Sabha with the support of all Parties. The Minister is meeting leaders of various political parties to clarify doubts or apprehensions, if any, that they might have against any provision of the Bill.

The Information and Broadcasting Minister re-iterated her advice to the Cable Operators, as given to them in their meeting with her yesterday also, to exercise restraint and desist from adopting a path of confrontation, particularly when Government was keen to get the CAS Bill passed in the interest of the consumers.