20th July, 2002
Ministry of Food and Consumer Affairs  


The present foodgrains stock at the Centre is sufficient to cater to the demands of the State Governments for running the Public Distribution System in view of the situation arising out of delayed monsoon in the country. This was stated here today by Shri R.D. Kapoor, Secretary, Department of Food and Public Distribution at a meeting of Food and Civil Supplies Secretaries of eleven States convened to assess the situation of food requirement as the onset of monsoon is delayed this year. The meeting was attended by Secretaries from Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Chhatisgarh, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Karnatakia, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh, besides senior officials from the Ministry of Food and Consumer Affairs and the Food Corporation of India.

Some of the participating States expressed the view that Food for Work Programme could be undertaken in their region if the drought situation continues. States like Punjab and Himachal Pradesh suggested to increase the BPL allocation of foodgrains to 50 kg. per month per family from the present rate of 35 kg. per family, per month. Yet another suggestion to meet the drought condition if it worsened was to distribute foodgrains to all families in the drought affected area at BPL (Below Poverty Line) rates.

The availability and prices of foodgrains and other essential items remained comfortable in different parts of the country during the year. The progressive procurement of rice during 2001-2002 upto July 8, 2002 was 21.02 million tonnes and the procurement of wheat 19.79 million tonnes. The total offtake of wheat and rice from the Centre pool during the first two months of the current financial year was 61.06 lakh tonnes as against 35.19 lakh tonnes during the same period last year showing an increase of 73.5 per cent.

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