18th July, 2002
Ministry of Defence  



There are about 70 to 80 terrorist training camps operating in Pakistan occupied Kashmir and Pakistan.

As per information available with the Army about 97 terrorists have infiltrated into Jammu & Kashmir during the month of June, 2002. Adequate military measures have been taken to check terrorist infiltration from across the Line of Control/International Border in Jammu & Kashmir. These include a multi-tiered defensive-cum-counter infiltration posture on the Line of Control, with all known routes of infiltration being guarded and patrolled by troops deployed on ground. Although due to configuration of terrain and the prevailing climatic conditions, it is not possible to hermetically seal the Line of Control, the counter infiltration posture is being constantly reviewed based on intelligence inputs.

ISI continues to harbour, train and fund the terrorists organizations operating in Jammu & Kashmir. Suitable military measures have been put in place by Army to address the problem of cross-border terrorism in Jammu & Kashmir through a continuous process of technological upgrades and refinement in operating procedures.

As per the reports available, 762 terrorists have been killed by the Indian Army and Rashtriya Rifles in Jammu & Kashmir during the period of January to June, 2002.

Infiltration into Jammu & Kashmir, continues, though there is a marginal reduction. In June, 2002 four infiltration bids were foiled in which 14 terrorists were killed. The marginal reduction in infiltration, can be attributed to the enhanced vigil being maintained by out troops. These trends would need to be watched for some more time before any conclusive assessment can be made.

This information was given by the Defence Minister Shri George Fernandes in a written reply to Shri A Narendra and others in Lok Sabha today.