18th July, 2002
Ministry of Defence  



In the period under consideration, three complaints regarding violation of human rights have been received from serving Armed Forces personnel – two relating to Harassment by the State Police and the third, seeking ex-gratia financial assistance from the central Government for the death of a child in an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) blast by militants in a bus in J&K.

In the first two cases relating to harassment by State Police, the respective State Governments were requested to investigate and send their reports. One State Government has completed investigation and has awarded punishment. In the other case, State Government has ordered investigation through the crime branch. In the third case relating to the death of his daughter in an IED blast, the serving officer requested for compensation. There is no provision for payment of ex-gratia compensation in such cases. Therefore, his request could not be acceded to.

This information was given by the Defence Minister Shri George Fernandes in a written reply to Dr. MP Jaiswal in Lok Sabha today.