17th July, 2002
Ministry of Shipping  



With a view to giving an impetus to Inland Water Transport (IWT) sector and to encourage private sector participation in IWT infrastructure development and ownership and operation of inland vessels, the government has approved the IWT Policy wherein several policy measures and incentives to private sector have been included. To bring in more traffic in the Inland Water Transport mode, the government was provided tax exemption to investors. Rate of depreciation for all vessels operating in National Waterways has been fixed at 25 per cent at par with ocean going vessels. Several projects for fairway improvement and river training work have been initiated and at present work is going on for construction of permanent terminal vital Inland Water locations. To boost traffic, Government has introduced a Vessel Building Subsidy Scheme granting 30 per cent subsidy for Inland Water Vessels built in Indian Shipyards.

This information was given in the Lok Sabha today by Shri S. Thirunavukkarasar, Minister of State for Shipping in a written reply to a question by Shri Y.V.Rao.