16th July, 2002
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension  



Four Indian innovative development models are among the top eleven short-listed submissions, out of over 150 submissions received by the Commonwealth Association for Public Administration and Management (CAPAM) from various countries for the ‘CAPAM International Innovative Awards Programme-2002’. The Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions which is an institutional member of the CAPAM since 1997, will be sponsoring these four models at the next Awards Programme and the Biennial Conference of CAPAM are scheduled to be organized from 5-11 September, 2002 in Glasgow, UK. The theme of this years’ Awards Programme is ‘Innovative in Governance’ that respond to the significant challenges extant in the current environment.

The four submissions from India include the computerization of 20 million land records in Karnataka. The online Delivery of Land Records which is known as "Bhoomi" is now available on-line at all sub-districts headquarters and this system has introduced transparency and freed farmers from extortion. The second model depicts Innovative Community Policing initiatives in Trichy in Tamil Nadu that have effectively met challenges of gang-wars and terrorism in a fragmented Trichy City. The third submission is of about the Urban Community Development Society system functioning in the State of Kerala, under the aegis of Kudumbashree, which has emerged as an innovative development model of participatory poverty reduction by organizing 1,96,000 poor women and enabling them to control the planning and implementation process of various poverty programmes. And the fourth is National Child Labour Project being undertaken by the Government of Tamil Nadu for eliminating child labour in a unique way. This project has changed the lives of thousands of children from one of servitude to one with dignity.

The Project Coordinators of these submissions have been invited by CAPAM to make a presentation before a 10-member Jury in Glasgow, UK which will select the Award winners – one Gold, two Silver and three Bronze. Earlier, India had won the Gold Medal on both the occasions i.e., 1998 (Education Guarantee Scheme of the Government of Madhya Pradesh) and 2000 (Kudumbashree; Poverty Eradication Project of Government of Kerala).