9th July, 2002
Ministry of Labour & Empowerment  



The Labour Minister Dr. Sahib Singh has said that there will be no cut in the present rate of interest of 9.5% on deposits of Employees Provident Fund beneficiaries. Speaking to media persons at the end of a meeting of the Central Board of Trustees (CBT) of the Employees Provident Fund here today, the Labour Minister said that if necessary, the Cabinet would be approached to seek approval for continuing the current interest rate. The issue, however, did not figure in today’s meeting of the CBT which, at its special meeting on April 12, 2002, had urged the Finance Ministry to reconsider its decision and allow the Fund to pay 9.5% to its subscribers for the current financial year. It had said that after paying 9.5% rate of interest to the subscribers the Fund would be left with a surplus of about 147 crore rupees.

Dr. Sahib Singh said that the CBT at today’s meeting gave a go ahead to necessary amendments to the Employees Provident Fund & Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952. These include a proposal to introduce a Multi-benefit Employees Insurance Scheme by the EPFO so that its beneficiaries who would lost their jobs as a result of the ongoing economic restructuring can get half of the last wage per month for one year as employment insurance. Dr. Sahib Singh said that the proposed Scheme envisages a small contribution of 1.25% by the employer and 0.5% by the employees during his tenure of employment. He said that the Finance Ministry has approved the Scheme but has expressed its inability to make envisaged contribution of at least 0.25% of the employees wage. The CBT also gave its approval to several other proposed amendments to the Act in lieu of the mobility of workforce from formal to informal sector due to the increase in the outsourcing of work. These include policy changes for increase in coverage, strengthening the dispute resolution mechanism, and to regulate the exempted Trusts. The CBT, however, entrusted the Labour Minister to take a decision on reducing the threshold limit for EPF coverage and deleting provisions in the Act relating to definition of ‘Industry".

The CBT also approved the Report on the Business Process Re-engineering which stipulates new procedures and processes for maintaining accounts and meeting more efficiently programme delivery obligations through the application of Information technology. The labour Minister said that it would be first introduced in Delhi and six other big cities for which the EPFO has earmarked Rs. 6.75 crore. Dr. Sahib Singh said that 8,000 staff members have been trained in the new methodology. He said nobody in the EPFO would lose his job following application of IT as the Organisation would be expanding its operations.

Earlier inaugurating the meeting the Chairman of the CBT Dr. Sahib Singh said that the EPFO had an improved performance of about 50 % and enrolled 27.43 lakh members during the last financial year. He said that 49.84 lakh claims have settled. Recovery of PF in default amounted to Rs.2,281.85 crore during the last 30 months as compared to Rs.778.50 crore recovered during the last 9 years from 1990.

The meeting was besides the CBT Members attended by the Minister of State for Labour, Shri Ashok Pradhan, the Labour Secretary Dr. P.D.Shenoy and the Central Provident Fund Commissioner Shri Ajay Singh .