8th July, 2002
Ministry of Power  


The Minister of Power Shri Suresh Prabhu has said that diligent planning and regular monitoring, he is confident will enable the achievement of capacity addition of 41,000 MW of power in the 10th Plan. Shri Prabhu was speaking while inaugurating the two-day conference on capacity addition for the 10th Plan and advanced action for the 11th Plan. This is the first ever conference of its kind and has been called at the initiative of the Minister. The Conference is the result of review taken by Shri Prabhu of the state of preparedness of the projects which have been identified for commissioning in the 10th Plan. The estimated demand for power by the year 2012 is expected to be an additional one lakh seven thousand MW of which 44,000 MW (41,000 MW conventional power and 3000 MW renewable) is targeted for the 10th Plan. The remaining 63,000 MW is targeted for the 11th Plan.

The Minister said that there has been a 270 percent increase in plan outlay for the power sector as the Government realizes that there is an urgent need to restructure this sector. Finance being a major issue the Udhesh Kohli Committee will be looking into macro level finance. Turning to the question of foreign investment in the power sector Shri Prabhu said that a recent road show held in the United Kingdom has proved that there is still interest. This is due to the policy of the Government of embarking structural changes. The Minister once again reiterated that CPSUs under his Ministry have been asked to leverage their balance sheets to access resources. The Minister said that a tariff policy will be out soon which will help SEBs.

Flagging of many other issues Shri Prabhu said the CEA’s role needs to undergo a sea change and it will have to play a more pro-active role in the capacity addition programme in addition to its usual statutory functions. Due to interaction between the Ministry of Power and State Governments, many states who earlier were not planning any capacity addition in the state sector during the 10th Plan have now started thinking about setting up projects over the next five years.

Shri Prabhu said that standardization of equipments would reduce project cost and there is also need to drastically control cost and time overruns. Concluding his inaugural address the Minister said quarterly regional meetings would be held as a follow up to this conference and this conference would be held once every year hence forth.

During the meeting discussions will be held with the Chairpersons of State Electricity Boards and Power Secretaries of the States to discuss the status of projects that have been identified in the 10th Plan period. Some of the leading Independent Power Producers (IPPs) have also been invited to attend and give a presentation.

Deliberations at the Conference are expected to resolve bottlenecks that may exist during the execution of projects. Representatives from various Central Ministries like Coal, Petroleum and Natural Gas, Railways, Programme Implementation and also the Planning Commission would be present at the Conference. Invitations have also been extended to some of the leading financial institutions who are one of the important stake holders for the future development of the power sector.

The Minister of State for Power Smt. Jayawanti Mehta said achievement of the target for the 10th Plan is necessary because of the poor performance during the 8th and 9th Plan. The Secretary, Power Shri R.V. Shahi in his remarks said states would have to take up reforms earnestly and if they did so the Centre was always willing to find ways to finance projects. However, if the States were not able to turn around their power sectors by the end of the 10th Plan funding to them would become very difficult.