4th July, 2002
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas  



A Special Workshop was held here today on Down Stream Petroleum Industry for familiarisation of the Members of Consultative Committee, attached to the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas. This unique Workshop was organised at the initiative of Shri Ram Naik, Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas to project a coherent picture of petroleum refining and marketing industry in India before the Members of the Consultative Committee.

Inaugurating the Workshop, Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar, Minister of State for Petroleum and Natural Gas informed the Members that as many as 20 Auto LPG Dispensing Stations (ALDS) at different locations in the country. These are located in Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Chandigarh, Ahmedabad, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Jaipur. Another 20 ALDS are nearing completion. This heralds a new era in making available to the consumers another cleaner fuel in the country. The commissioning of ALDSs is part of the first phase of the evolving a large marketing network of auto LPG in which 228 ALDSs would be set up targetting at least one in each State/UT Capitals.

Speaking further the Minister said that the downstream oil sector is fully meeting the country’s requirements of petroleum products which is at present is around 100 million tonnes per annum (MMTPA). In fact, in the last Financial Year, India has emerged as net exporter of Petroleum Products with a refining capacity of 116.07 MMTPA. The total consumption is expected to register nearly four-fold increase by the year 2025. Thus the refining capacity would be required to match the estimated demand of 360 MMTPA. Speaking about efforts to improve fuel quality the Minister informed that the quality of Petrol and Diesel sold in India matches with that of most of the developed countries and the oil industry has made an investment of about Rs. 10,000 crore to achieve the same. Further improvements in fuel quality at refineries shall also be possible in future with the development and adoption of appropriate technologies.

The Members took benefit of the Workshop which covers different aspects of down stream petroleum activities including Overview of Refining and Pipeline Processes; Overview of Marketing Activities and Fuel Quality and Menace of Adulteration. Replying to the queries of the Members during the Open Forum, the Minister emphasised that the great importance is given to the campaign against adulteration of petroleum products in line with Government’s resolve to supply quality products in all parts of the country. He also told the Members that an aggressive programme is under implementation to survey and evaluate all potential areas of the country for having Hydrocarbon reserves so that domestic crude oil production could be increased. This is being done with the help of latest technology including 3-D Seismic Survey.