Jute Corporation of India
Ltd. is presently undertaking Minimum Support Operation in raw
jute and mesta through its 171 jute purchase centres distributed
in 7 jute growing States. These centres are buying raw jute and
mesta at the minimum support rates decided by the Government of
India which is Rs. 850/- per quintal in the markets of Assam and
Maghalaya, Rs. 865-881/- per quintal for different markets of
Bihar, Rs. 875 – 913/- per quintal for different market of West
Bengal, Rs. 821 per quintal for the markets of Tripura, Rs. 887
per quintal for the markets of Orissa all for TD-5 grades and
Rs. 832 per quintal for Bimli Middle grade in the markets of Andhra
Pradesh. Apart from this the State Co-operative Societies like
BENFEED in West Bengal, BISCO JUTE in Bihar, MECOFED in Meghalaya
would be procuring raw jute/mesta under Minimum Support Operation
through their centres as agents of jute/mesta under Minimum Support
Operation through their centres as agents of Jute Corporation
of India Ltd. The Jute Growers are advised to bring their jute
to nearest JCI/Co-operative Purchase Centres to take the benefit
of Minimum Support Operation.