January 17, 2002



    The Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources (MNES) is implementing a broad based programme on Alternative Fuel for Surface Transport including Electric Vehicles (EVs). Widespread deployment of EVs will have a beneficial impact on environment and health of the people especially in urban areas. The EVs will help improve traffic in cities. Batteries used in battery powered electric vehicles can be conveniently charged by renewable energy in an eco-friendly manner.

    Electric Vehicles are driven by an electric motor, which draws power from traction batteries, super capacitors or fuel cells. The electric vehicles can reduce or even eliminate our continued reliance on oil consumed in the automobile sector. For wider deployment of the electric vehicle, it is necessary to improve the performance of the vehicle through R&D work and reduce capital cost. Hybrid electric vehicles use the combination of engine of a conventional vehicle with electric motor powered by traction batteries and/ or fuel cells. This combination helps in achieving both the energy and the environmental goals.

    As part of the projects supported by MNES at different institutions and industries, prototypes of battery-powered vehicles (four wheelers, cycle rickshaws and electric three wheelers) have been developed. MNES is implementing a number of research, development and demonstration projects on EVs and related aspects through various organisations. The Ministry has sanctioned research and development projects for the development of advanced, high-energy batteries such as nickel metal hydride, lithium-ion and lithium polymer electrolyte batteries, super capacitors and fuel cells for electric vehicles.

    The Ministry has recently sanctioned a pilot project for demonstration and field performance evaluation of 300 nos. of battery-operated three wheelers. Some companies including BHEL, Scooters India Ltd., etc. are developing and deploying battery operated passenger vehicles in the country. Research efforts are directed towards development of environmentally benign and energy efficient production and innovative hydrogen storage materials and practices. Some auto manufacturers are also producing hybrid electric vehicles.

    Hydrogen and fuel cell vehicles are truly zero-emission vehicles. One of the major problems of limited driving range associated with the battery-operated vehicles can be overcome with these types of vehicles. The Ministry is also supporting projects on fuel cells, hydrogen energy and bio-fuels. Fuel cell and hydrogen vehicles have been developed and demonstrated with MNES support. The MNES has decided to implement the Technology Mission on Alternative/ Bio fuel for Surface Transportation, hydrogen energy, fuel cells and electric vehicles in the Tenth Plan.