January 16, 2002



    The mining and quarrying sector registered a positive growth of 2 percent in November, 2001 compared to the preceding month mainly due to higher production of coal, lignite, chromite, gold and limestone.

    The total value of mineral production (excluding atomic & minor minerals) in the country during November, 2001 was Rs. 4684 crore as compared to Rs. 4586 crore in October, 2001. The contribution of coal was the highest at Rs. 1870 crore (40%). Next in the order of importance were: petroleum (crude) Rs. 1517 crore, natural gas (utilised) Rs. 682 crore, iron ore Rs. 172 crore, limestone Rs. 118 crore and lignite Rs. 89 crore. These six minerals together contributed 95% of the total value of mineral production in November, 2001.

    Production levels of important minerals in November, 2001 were: coal 290 lakh tonnes, lignite 19 lakh tonnes, natural gas (utilised) 2343 million cu.m., petroleum (crude) 27 lakh tonnes, bauxite 669 thousand tonnes, chromite 200 thousand tonnes, copper conc. 13 thousand tonnes, gold 1075 kg., iron ore 66 lakh tonnes, lead conc. 5 thousand tonnes, manganese ore 114 thousand tonnes, zinc conc. 40 thousand tonnes, apatite & phosphorite 82 thousand tonnes, dolomite 248 thousand tonnes, limestone 113 lakh tonnes and magnesite 23 thousand tonnes.

    During November, 2001 the output of gold increased by 79%, apatite & phosphorite 15%, zinc conc. 9%, coal 7%, limestone 6%, chromite 3% and lignite 1%. However, the output of bauxite decreased by 11%, copper conc. 7%, lead conc. 6%, iron ore and magnesite 4% each, petroleum (crude) and manganese ore 3% each and natural gas (utilised) 1 percent. The output of dolomite remained almost same at the level of previous month.