January 11, 2002



   The Minister of State for Labour & Employment Shri Muni Lall has called for making concerted efforts in popularising use of Hindi as official language. Addressing his Ministry’s Hindi Advisory Committee meeting here today, he said that we have to take very effective steps in this direction. Shri Muni Lall said that we should encourage use of words from other language in Hindi to popularise its usage. He urged the senior officers to take lead in this direction as it would not only encourage others but also create a conviction in them. The Labour Secretary Shri Vinod Vaish informed the meeting that instructions have been issued to all subordinate offices in the ministry that all letters received in Hindi should be replied only in Hindi. He said that steps taken by the Ministry in promoting use of Hindi have been encouraging. Shri Vaish said that more than 50% of the vacant Hindi posts have been filled while efforts are on to fill the remaining posts.

    The meeting was attended by 31 members of the Hindi Advisory Committee including Shri Sukhdev Paswan and Shri Hiphei, both MPs and Secretary, Official Language Department, Shri Shankar. Senior officials of the Labour Ministry and various subordinate offices participated in the meeting.