January 10, 2002



    Vocational Rehabilitation Centres, (VRC ) for the physically challenged would be set up in all states by the Labour Ministry during 10th Plan. This was stated by the Labour Minister Shri Sharad Yadav while laying the foundation stone for the VRC at Delhi today. The VRC Complex being set up at the cost of 8 crore rupees would be the first of its kind training centre for the disabled in the country. Shri Yadav said that utilising the capabilities of the disabled through training and skill upgradation is the responsibility of the government and the society. He said that India has the largest population of disabled people and attributed it partly to the bane of poverty. He said that the rehabilitation of such a large number of people is a big challenge. Shri Yadav said the voluntary organisations and NGOs have a great role in meeting this challenge. He said that the exemplary contributions made by Mahatama Gandhi and Mother Teresa are a beacon in this regard.

    The Lt. Governor of Delhi Shri Vijai Kapoor said that the VRC would be a great help in the application of technology to optimize the capabilities of the disabled. He assured of all possible help by the Delhi Government in setting up the Vocational Rehabilitation Centre.

    The Minister of State for Labour and Employment Shri Muni Lall said that it is the responsibility of the government to ensure that the physically challenged people do not remain a burden on society but become productive citizens. The Labour Secretary Shri Vinod Vaish said that the rehabilitation of people with disabilities needs greater attention as 80% of them are still out of the country’s workforce. He said that only 12% of them are educated up to secondary level in urban areas while in rural areas their number is only 3%. Shri Vaish said that the Ministry of Labour is working in close cooperation with the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment in establishing VRCs.

    There are at present 17 VRCs set up by the Labour Ministry functioning in 16 states. These include the VRCs at Vadodra , which has been set up exclusively for women. These VRCs have assisted more than four lakh people with disabilities and out of them 1.5 lakh have been rehabilitated. The VRC at Delhi, which was set up in 1971, has assisted 26,000 persons with disabilities. It is expected that the Centre would shift to the new training cum-residential complex on its completion next year. The entire complex would be barrier free with specially designed equipments and ramps to facilitate free movement of the people with disabilities. The complex would have facilities for imparting training in 13 trades.

    2001 Census undertook to count the people with disabilities in the country for the first time. While the information is awaited, rough estimates indicate that number of such persons constitute 5% to 10% population in each state. A survey by NSSO has revealed that 88% of people with disabilities do not have education or skills.