January 10, 2002



    The 14th Round of Tripartite Talks involving the Government of India, the Government of Assam and the Bodo Liberation Tiger (BLT) of Assam were held at New Delhi last evening. The tripartite meeting took stock of the progress made towards an amicable resolution of the issues relating to the Bodo Dominated areas of Assam. The participants hoped that a mutually acceptable socio-economic package will be shortly worked out following consultations both at the Central and the State level and the concerned groups residing in the Bodo areas. It is also decided to form a drafting Sub-Committee for preparing a set of proposals for consideration by the Centre and the Government of Assam through the Tripartite Negotiation Team.

    The Special Secretary (North East) in the Ministry of Home Affairs, Dr. P.D. Shenoy conducted the negotiations.