January 10, 2002



   The Finance Minister Shri Yashwant Sinha, Ministers of State Shri Balasaheb Vikhe Patil and Shri G.N. Ramachandran, met leading economists today as part of the pre-budget consultations. Finance Minister drew attention to the slowdown in the Indian economy and enumerated the reasons thereof and policy measures initiated to kickstart the economy. With a view to reverse the slowdown, Government has responded by cutting down the tax rates in both the direct and indirect taxes and lowered the interest rates by reducing administered interest rates. The Government has not faltered in its commitment towards economic reforms. Reform is a continuous process. Reforms have so far mainly focussed on non-agriculture sector. Agriculture is a difficult area where the reforms have to be initiated in collaboration with the States. So far Governments attempt to decentralise procurement has not received wholehearted support from the States with both surplus and deficit States resisting the move.

    On the fiscal side, there has been slippage in revenues due to the economic slowdown but non-plan revenue expenditure has been strictly contained. At the same time, as a deliberate policy measure the government is receptive to higher capital expenditure. As regards the State finances, the situation is not very comfortable. The pressure from States to provide more money inevitably puts pressure on the Central Government finances.

    Finance Minister posed certain pertinent issues in order to get a feedback from the economists.

    Although international best practices have been adopted in the capital market much needs to be done to foster good governance. Also there is need to harmonise autonomy and accountability in public financial institutions.

    Globalisation is both a challenge and opportunity. Reduction in tariffs and dismantling of quantitative restrictions has brought to the fore the issue of protection and its time frame.

    In a wide-ranging deliberation, the economists made a number of suggestions for the forthcoming budget. Some of the important suggestions made by the participants included the following:

    The meeting was attended, inter alia, by Dr. Kirit Parikh, Dr. Surjit Bhalla, Dr. Y.K. Alagh, Prof. Vikas Chitre, Prof. C.D. Wadhwa, Shri V.K. Srinivasan, Mr. Suman Bery, Dr. Jagdish Shettigar, Prof. M. Govinda Rao, Smt. Indira Rajaraman, Shri B.M. Dholakia.

    Secretary Economic Affairs, Secretary Revenue, Secretary Expenditure, Adviser to the Finance Minister and other senior officials in the Ministry of Finance attended this meeting.