January 10, 2002




    Convergence is the new age mantra for growth and development and it would lead to increased opportunities and reduced cost in the field of infrastructure. Shri Rajiv Pratap Rudy, Minister of State for Commerce & Industry, stated this while inaugurating 15th International Conference & Exhibition, organised by National Foundation of Indian Engineers (NAFEN), here today morning. Shri Rudy said that the importance of the infrastructure in a country like India could not be overstated and we have to keep pace with the modern day world in this respect. The Minister emphasised the fact that the convergence of services has great potential for optimising the project costs, time and schedules, informing that restructuring of infrastructure is in full pace providing immense opportunities to the service providers. Shri.N.K.Singh, Member, Planning Commission and Justice T.K.Vishwanathan, Member Secretary, Law Commission of India were present in the function. Shri Rudy released the conference proceedings on this occasion.

    Shri Rudy pointed out that the rate from conception to conversion level of the foreign and private participation in the infrastructure projects is not at desired level and the success of the infrastructure projects has to be ensured by resorting to political, administrative and financial measures. Shri Rudy added that in this era of deregulation the importance of private players and finances are very crucial to push up the desired reforms initiated by the government. The Minister drew the attention to an urgent need to attract FDIs and develop cost effective technologies in order to achieve the target in the power, oil and gas and urban development and highways sector.