January 10, 2002



Shri Jagmohan, Minister for Tourism & Culture, today released a calendar based on the paintings of Shri Satish Gujral as a curtain raiser for forthcoming Pacific Asia Travel Association Meet. Releasing the calendar, Shri Jagmohan said tourism can not be seen in isolation, it is a civilization issue. The Government has decided to project various aspect of our culture through various means to attract tourists. A number of events were being planned to promote cultural tourism, which include exhibitions of Indian Art & Culture in various cities abroad, he said. Smt. Sheila Dikshit, the Chief Minister of Delhi, Government of Delhi and Shri Satish Gujral were present on the occasion.

The PATA 2002 calendar brought out by Delhi Tourism is the first ever calendar designed by Shri Satish Gujral, one of the foremost names in Art in India today. This "Limited Edition" calendar contains reproductions of 7 recent paintings by Shri Satish Gujaral, which have been done by him in his 75th year.

PATA Annual Conference is returning to India after 24 years. It is being hosted in New Delhi from April 14 to 18, 2002. This is one of the most important tourist gatherings in the world and attracts the major players in tourism from most of the countries on the globe. The number of delegates attending the Conference greatly adds value to each Annual conference. It also augurs to the tourist inflow of the host country. Thus a permanent advantage awaits the host country.

The calendar of this kind will highlight the richness of India’s Art as well as will be a memento to the delegates to PATA 2002. A total of 2200 calendars have already been sent to Government of India Tourist Offices all over the world and are being distributed to the leaders in the field of tourism in each country. The calendar has been very well received abroad and agencies like CNN, National Geographic Traveller have appreciated the same.