January 10, 2002



    An eight-member delegation headed by the Chairman of the second National Commission on Labour Shri Ravindra Verma is leaving on a study tour to Malaysia and China tonight. The delegation will study the operation of labour laws and industrial relations and impact of globalisation in the two countries. It will visit Malaysia on 11th and 12th January and then proceed to China. During its week long stay in China, the delegation will visit among other places industrial areas in Shinghai and Hong Kong.

    The work of the Commission on suggesting rationalisation of existing labour laws and evolving an umbrella legislation for ensuring a minimum protection to the workers in the unorganised sector is in an advanced stage. It has almost completed consultations with trade unions, employers organisations and all others connected with labour matters including those in the state and central governments. Three out of six Study Groups constituted by the National Labour Commission have submitted their recommendations to the Commission. These Study Groups are on Women Workers and Child Labour, Social Security and Umbrella Legislation for the Workers in the Unorganised Sector. The other three Study Groups on Review of Laws, Globalisation and its Impact and Skill Development, Training and Workers’ Education have yet to submit their report.. Meanwhile , the Commission has identified the important and critical areas for formulating its Report based on the evidence and views collected across the country The government extended the term of the Commission by four months upto15th February, 2002. The recommendations of the Commission especially in reforms in labour laws are likely to form the basis for suitable amendments.