January 08, 2002



    The Minister for Human Resource Development and Science and Technology Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi has reiterated that only correct and balanced picture of history should be taught to children. This is to make them develop equal respect for all religions, all humans irrespective of caste and creed and love for, one and all. Addressing a meeting organised by All-Religion Maha-panchayat here today, Dr. Joshi said that unless we do so, the young minds will not grow up to be a true peace-loving member of the society. We have not been teaching our children all about the great diversity of Indian culture and traditions in a holistic manner for long. There should be no bias in the teaching of history, especially putting a religion/leader in bad light without proper historical proof and evidence. The Maha-panchayat organised the meeting to convey its appreciation of the efforts being made by the government to delete objectionable references in textbooks.

    Expressing regret over the non-passage of the Right to Education Bill during the winter session due to disturbances and other reasons, the Minister expressed the hope that it would be passed in the Rajya Sabha in the Budget session, with Lok Sabha having already passed it. He said the bill will go a long way in educating children between the age group of 6 to 14, as it would be binding both on the state and the parents to have their children receive education. An educated society alone can tackle violence and conflicts in a peaceful way, he averred.