January 08, 2002



    The Vice President of India, Shri Krishan Kant, has urged the NCC Cadets to rise above every form of parochialism and develop a broad national outlook. Inaugurating the NCC Republic Day Camp here today, he said NCC has come to epitomise, not only the Indian youth, but also the best in them. Shri Krishan Kant said that discipline, training, self-assurance, character and public spiritedness make NCC cadets the repository of some of the finest values in our society and entitles them to assume the leadership role whenever it becomes due.

    The Vice President said that there is lot of sense in the motto of the NCC and discipline. He believed that discipline is a necessary precondition for unity-whether it is the individual, the neighbourhood, the state or the country. He further said that a well-groomed person is an individual in whom self-discipline has created a unity between his mind and his body and between his desires and his sense of responsibility. Shri Krishan Kant said that this applies with equal force to the larger society and to the nation.

    Shri Krishan Kant said that NCC Republic Day Camp has virtually created a mini-India. He said that the NCC cadets in the camp are the representatives of all the regions and diverse backgrounds, but at the same time are all united by the over-whelming identity of being Indian.

    The Vice President also witnessed the cultural programme presented by the NCC cadets. Earlier he inspected the guard of honour presented by the NCC cadets.