February 22, 2002



    There have recently been a number of newspaper reports with regard to the hampering of scientific research involving experiments on animals due to implementation of the rules and guidelines of the Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA).

    It appears that there is a lack of awareness or appreciation of the role of the CPCSEA. The CPCSEA has been constituted under the provisions of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 and the rules made thereunder. Thus the CPCSEA has been in existence for the past 40 years.

    The role of the CPCSEA is not to cause any hindrance to scientific research involving experiments on animals but to ensure that:

    1. animals are not subjected to unnecessary pain or suffering before during and after performance of experiments on them and they are maintained in a proper manner.
    2. there is no unnecessary sacrifice of animals for the sake of science. There should be no duplication of research
    3. animals are kept pathogen free to ensure proper data collection
    4. animals are procured from registered breeders
    5. experiments on large animals are avoided when it is possible to achieve the same results by experiments on small laboratory animals etc.

    For effective implementation of these rules and guidelines, the Institutional Animals Ethics Committees (IAEC) have been constituted in institutions conducting experiments on animals. This is a scientific body nominated by the Head of the Institution with only one nominee of the CPCSEA. The IAEC is required to examine proposals for conducting experiments on small animals, which would basically examine the necessity of performing of the experiment, and ensure that experiments are not performed only in a routine manner. The nominee of the CPCSEA to the IAEC also examines if the animals are being properly looked after both before and after the experiment. The proposals for experiments on larger animals is referred to the sub committee of the CPCSEA which is chaired by a senior scientist.

    The CPCSEA is represented by all sections of the scientific community. All decisions are taken with the approval of the Committee.

    There has been no cause for creating any hindrances in the passing of the proposals for experiments on animals. If there is any point of clarification required this is referred to the CPCSEA or the appropriate sub-committee for a final decision.

    The scientific community should perhaps be more appreciative of the role of the CPCSEA and should facilitate its processes. The contribution of the CPCSEA would also result in the efficacy of the results of the experiments as it would ensure that the experiments are conducted in a sanitised environment with the proper condition of the research animals. It may be highlighted that since inspection of animal houses have been taken up by the CPCSEA, out of approximately 400 houses inspected, the conditions of the animals and of the animal houses in over 350 were found to be far from satisfactory. Experiments were found to be conducted on sick, stray and old animals. The efficacy of the result of the experiments conducted on such animals can hardly be relied upon. However, in many cases the institutions themselves have come forward to improve the conditions of the animal houses.

    In a recent direction of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the PIL filed by O.P. Tehlan with regard to the issue of observance of protocol of biological equines used for the purpose of manufacture of anti snake venom serum (ASVS), the Hon’ble Court ordered inspection of institutions all over the country involved in production of ASVS and expressed concerns over the conditions found in four institutions.

    It would also be appreciated that experiments on animals, especially in Government aided institutions involve expenditure of public funds. Proper utilisation of these funds is to be ensured so as to avoid wasteful expenditure on duplicate and repetitive research.

    The CPCSEA is thus committed to implementing good laboratory practices throughout the country and also to ensure that experiments on animals are carried out in proper conditions. The CPCSEA is also committed to implementation of alternatives to animal experimentation, which have been introduced internationally and to make the scientific community aware of the same.