February 19, 2002



    India has assured its commitment and support for the interests of the Mega bio-diversity countries in the global fora. Addressing the meeting of the Ministers of Environment and Forests of the Mega Diversity countries at Cancun, Mexico, early today, the Environment Minister, Shri T.R.Baalu stated that India will spare no effort to be of use to other countries in so far as exchange of information on technical and scientific know how is concerned.

    Shri Baalu emphasized that "historically and culturally, India has a tradition of holding every life form in esteem. Protection of Nature and Bio-diversity forms an article of faith, reflected in the day to day lives of people. This is enshrined in our myths, folklore, religion and art. However, the processes of economic development have tended to undermine these tine-tested precepts about life and the role of nature to sustain it. Yet we feel, and I am sure that all of us here will agree, that it is not too late to revive and restore the traditional reverence and respect for life and nature."

    Shri Baalu added that the same processes of Economic Development also have given rise to an explosion of technological progress. The achievements of Biotechnology, particularly in the last two decades, have for the first time placed in our hands the means and tools to achieve the dream of being able to provide to each and everyone according to his or her needs. Bio-diversity represents the feedstock of biotechnology industry. India has recognized the importance of harnessing the tools of modern biology and biotechnology for conservation and value addition to biological resources, as well as the conversion of our vast biopotential into economically useful products and processes. In doing so, it has been the country’s endeavour to ensure that its traditional knowledge base is not eroded and permanently lost. Also, the country has paid close attention to biosafety and safety of the environment generally, he asserted.