February 15, 2002



    Minister for Tourism & Culture, Shri Jagmohan has said that very soon the Ministry of Culture will develop Kanyakumari, Sarnath, Dhulabira and Kaneri Park, Ajanta Elora as model heritage park by improving total ambiance of the site. He said that the Government would also come out with extended list of national monuments to provide protection to more monuments. Shri Jagmohan said by developing tourism and heritage sites, community participation will also be ensured so that people could come forward for protection and maintenance of the sites.

    Presiding over the Workshop on National Policy for Heritage Conservation and Management, Shri Jagmohan said that a number of new initiatives being planned by the Ministry, which includes restructuring of Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) and new monitoring mechanism for implementation of tourism projects. He said efficient governance and commitment could only ensure effective implementation of the existing laws, which would ultimately help in all round improvement.

    The Workshop on National Policy was organised by Indian National Trust for Art & Cultural Heritage (INTACH) and ASI to draw recommendations for the formulation of national culture policy. The recommendations include – The establishment of a National Heritage Board including representatives of the Department of Culture, Ministry of Urban Development, Ministry of Environment and Forests, non-official professionals/ experts, Compilation of a National Register of Tangible Cultural Heritage, involving local agencies, educational institutions and communities, using relevant existing legislation to protect heritage sites. Cultural impact assessments on the lines of Environmental Impact Assessment must be mandatory especially where infrastructural development projects are proposed. A disaster Management Plan for Heritage sites especially those in vulnerable areas and preparation of Fiscal Mechanisms for owners of heritage properties such as regulation of property taxes, rent control, housing repair loans etc.