27th December, 2002
Ministry of Commerce & Industry  


The Government has issued notifications for conversion of the four Export Processing Zones (EPZs) at Noida (Uttar Pradesh), Falta (West Bengal), Chennai (Tamil Nadu) and Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh) into Special Economic Zones (SEZs) with effect from 1.1.2003. In addition to this, three formal approvals and 14 in-principle approval have also been granted for establishment of SEZs in private/state/joint sector. Export performance of the SEZs/EPZs during the period April-November, 2002 was of the order of 5380.97 crore as compared to 4936.42 cores during the corresponding period of pervious year representing a growth of 9%.

Some of the recent policy initiatives taken to promote SEZs include:

  • Duty-free import/domestic procurement of goods for development, operation and maintenance of SEZs and SEZ units;
  • External commercial borrowing by SEZ units up to US $ 500 million in a year without any maturity restriction through recognized banking channels;
  • Facility to set up of Overseas Banking units in SEZs;
  • 100% FDI to SEZ franchisee in providing basic telephone service in SEZs;
  • Exemption from Central Sales Tax on sales made from Domestic Tariff Area to SEZ units; and
  • Exemption from Service Tax to SEZ units and developers.

The Government had earlier announced a Special Economic Zones (SEZs) Scheme in April, 2000 to promote exports from the country. The policy provided for setting up of SEZs in the public, private, joint sector or by State Governments. It was also announced that the existing Export Processing Zones could be converted into Special Economic Zones. Accordingly, four Export Processing Zones (EPZs) had been converted in to Special Economic Zones (SEZs) with effect from 1.11.2000.