27th December, 2002
Ministry of Human Resource Development  


The Human Resource Development Minister Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi today announced three major schemes that would lead to a quantum jump in the quality of technical education in the country. While one scheme, TEQIP, being implemented with massive World Bank assistance, seeks to improve teaching and research infrastucture, the other two intend to help students and institutions in getting top quality instruction material and research database.

Briefing the press here about the schemes, the Minister said:

"In tune with the NDA Government’s resolve to give a big boost to technical education in the country, the Ministry of Human Resource Development has taken three major initiatives, with their special focus on infrastructure building for quality improvement, cost reduction and accessibility at the national level.

"The first of this ambitious initiative is Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme (TEQIP) covering the 10th plan period, with an outlay of Rs.1550 crore for its first phase. This programme to be completed in three cycles has a World Bank (IDA) credit component of Rs.1250 crore. This will develop 17-20 engineering institutions as lead institutions and 50 to 60 as network institutions. All of them will simultaneously become Centres of Excellence. The selection of these institutions will be on competitive basis. This project has already received the cabinet approval at its last meeting.

"This project will result in raising the level of 80 well performing engineering institutions to world standard. This improvement will be both qualitative and quantitative. Annually this project will ensure the training of better quality engineers and teachers. Both governmental and private institutions will be entitled to be covered under this project.

"For the first cycle of the first phase of TEQIP six states, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh have been selected. This selection has been made on the basis of their preparedness and commitment to this project. Other states will join the programme in subsequent cycles.


"The second project is National Programme for Distance and Web based education in Technology. This programme has been conceived in pursuance of the recommendation of the Task Force setup by Hon'ble Prime Minister under my chairmanship to give boost to HRD in IT Sector. Under this programme, premier institutions of science and technology will work together to build educational tools, methods, and courses to create new learning environments countrywide. The primary objective is to improve learning effectiveness through Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) to supplement classroom teaching.

"This will ensure high quality learning facility in all Institutions. This will help overcome acute faculty shortages. Our focus mainly is on disciplines in undergraduate engineering programmes offered in over 1200 engineering institutions in the country. The Phase I, which is of 2-year duration, is content development in the form of video lectures, e-course, and lecture notes.

"The third programme is National Digital Library in Science and Technology (INDEST) Consortium. This will provide a quantum jump in the access to e-journals and e-data bases in the participating institutions at a fraction of cost.

"Premier institutions in the country would have access comparable to world class institutions like MIT / Stanford. Seven IITs and IISc Bangalore would now access full-text e-journals in the range of 3650 in place of existing 100 to 500.

"Other institutions would have access to several hundred e-journals to boost their research. From almost no access at present, NITs and RECs would have access to around 780 e-journals. Other institutions would have access to 610 e-journals.

"This will boost research in academic institutions, improve teaching reduce pressure on diminishing budgets for libraries. The institutions will benefit from special consortia-prices for their products and services of different e-publishers. Initially this is to cover 38 centrally funded technical institutions (IISc Bangalore, 7 IITs, 6 IIMs, 14 NITs, 3 RECs, ISM Dhanbad, SLIET Longowal, NERIST, NITIE Mumbai, NIFFT Ranchi, IIIT Allahabad, Atal Behari Vajpayee IIITM Gwalior). This programme is open-ended with opportunities to other institutions to join and subscribe to resources suited to them at rates negotiated for the Consortium.

"These three projects with the other innovative steps taken by the HRD Ministry in the last four years are sure to totally revolutionise the technical education scenario in the country."