24th December, 2002
Ministry of Commerce & Industry  


Shri Arun Shourie, Minister for Commerce & Industry, Disinvestment and the North East, has approved setting up of a separate Export Promotion Council (EPC) for EOUs/SEZ units, after taking into consideration the demand of the trade and the felt need of the sector. The newly constituted Export Promotion Council would help in facilitating exports and provide them the legitimacy to articulate the difficulties of export oriented units before the State Governments and other Government of India Departments. It will function as a approved Trade Body under the Market Development Assistance (MDA) and Market Access Initiative (MAI) schemes of the Department of Commerce for organising specific innovative activities for their members, which would lead to the growth of exports in this sector.

At present, there are about 2500 export oriented units functioning in the 8 Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and outside the Zones, contributing about Rs. 27,000 crores of exports annually. Exports from these units constitute 13% of the total manufactured exports of the country. These units are working in the sectors like textiles/garments, computer software, food and agro-products, gems & jewellery, etc.

Presently, there are a number of trade promotion councils seeking to promote export activities of specific product group. The problems of export oriented units are quite different from ordinary manufacturer exporters in domestic area. As such the exiting export promotion organisations have not been able to effectively address the issues of export oriented units. Confederation of Export Units (CEU) had been functioning as a representative body at national level in addition to about a dozen associations at State level. These associations have been competing with each other and therefore have not been contributing to the cause of facilitating exports from these units. All these associations had been requesting the Government for setting up of a separate EPC for EOU/SEZ units.