21st December, 2002
Ministry of Science & Technology  


Use of bio-fertilizers and green manure should be encouraged among the farming community so as to retain the nutrient quality of the soil, said Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi, the Minister for Human Resource Development and Science and Technology, here today while addressing the valedictory session of a National Conference of the Seed Industry. He said, wide spread use of chemical fertilizers will continue to diminish the nutrient quality of the soil and will affect the yield in the long run. Though the yield may be higher in the short run, the quality of seed would suffer with excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

Referring to the need to enhance seed production, which has been flat without any variations over the past years, Dr. Joshi said the Department of Bio-Technology has undertaken a programme to evolve better varieties of seeds through genetic modification. He pointed out that the GM mustard evolved by the Department has recorded a 20 per cent higher yield than the local varieties, during limited field trials. Application of genetic engineering in agriculture would not only help in enhancing our crop yield but also seed production. This would be much better than the use of chemicals and pesticides for enhancing seed produce, Dr. Joshi said. He expressed the opinion that changing cropping pattern succumbing business motives would be harmful to the society, as agriculture is a way of life for the massive Indian farming community. A large number of grassroot innovators from the farming community have proved that the yield can be increased significantly by resorting to the use of bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides, the Minister added.