18th December, 2002
Ministry of Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation  



The Consultative Committee attached to the Ministry of Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation met today to discuss the Master Plan of Delhi – 2021 (MPD-21). Initiating the discussion Minister of Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation Shri Ananth Kumar emphasised the need to finalize MPD – 21 at the earliest keeping in view the growing population and increased need for physical infrastructure, shelter, transportation and setting up of industrial units.

Members were informed that the MPD –62 was meant for a population of 5.3 million and MPD 2001 was for 12.8 million. The MPD – 21 envisages a population of 23 million by the year 2021 with a total requirement of 4.33 million dwelling units/homes. Members were also informed that considering different functional needs of the city 13 sub-groups of experts have been constituted by including members from concerned Government departments, academic institutions, NGOs, Municipal Councilors and eminent persons in the field. These sub-groups will address issues like population and demographic profile, physical infrastructure, regional aspects, mixed land used, industries, shelter, environment and pollution, conservation and urban renewal, trade and commerce, transportation, social infrastructure, urban land policy and development control norms. Members were informed that as of now, 1483 Sq.kms. of land is available for development.

Referring to the achievements made during the last decade under MPD – 2001 members were informed that Rohini and Dwarka satellite towns for 8.5 lakhs and 10 lakh population were developed and shelter for 1 million population was provided. It was also mentioned that 5000 hectares were developed as parks, 14 Sports centres, 21 District Centres were built and 2500 hectares of land were developed for industrial uses. Members were also informed that 700 acres of land at Bawana is being developed to relocate 24 industrial clusters that include 27,000 industrial units and the process of acquisition of 700 more acres for relocating 42,000 units is in progress.

MPD – 21 intends to develop Delhi as a dynamic, distinctive and delightful city with focus on shelter, greenery, business requirement of global standard and smooth and efficient transportation to make it economically active. The Master plan will focus on intensive development along transport corridors, setting up a global business centre, extensive road and rail network, high value added industries, replicating Rohini/Dwarka satellite city models and redevelopment of residential areas

During the discussions, members pointed out the need for timely availability of serviced land/dwelling units at affordable prices to all income groups, availability of adequate civic infrastructures like water supply, electricity and proper solid waste disposal mechanism. Need for rational use of water, ground water recharging, roof top water harvesting and utilizing solar energy at public toilets, recreational areas and roadside advertisements was also emphasized. Minister of state for Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation Shri O.Rajagopal observed that DDA should consult all different agencies involved in overall development of Delhi before finalizing the draft Master Plan of Delhi 2021.