The 166th Report
of the Law Commission on ‘The Corrupt Public Servants (Forfeiture
of Property) Bill’, which also contained a draft Bill on the subject
as well as its main features, was laid on the Table of the House
on October 27, 1999. The Report was examined in consultation with
legal experts who have expressed their opinion that instead of
enacting a separate legislation it would be appropriate if the
Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 is amended in such a way as
to make it more deterrent. It was felt that it would be a better
way to achieve the objective of rooting out corruption.
This information was given
by the Union Minister of Law and Justice, Shri K. Jana Krishnamurthi
in a written reply to a question from S/Shri Kripal Parmar and
B.J. Panda in the Rajya Sabha today.