9th December, 2002
Ministry of Steel  



The Indian Iron and Steel Industry has witnessed major achievements in different spheres of operation during last three years. The crude steel production has increased by over 12 per cent and the capacity utilization has improved from 76 per cent to 82 per cent. The production of sponge iron has also witnessed a steady rise during this period and today India is the largest producer of sponge iron in the world.

Despite trade barriers put up by various countries, India has been able to maintain its net exporter status during these three years. The export basket too has shifted towards value added goods. The apparent consumption of finished steel has risen by over 9 per cent during this period. The Government has taken measures to check the surge in import of second/defectives and the tax structure has also been rationalized to the benefit of the steel industry in general.

Government has decided to formulate a National Steel Policy to draw up a road map for the iron and steel industry in the context of second generation reforms, restructuring and globalization. A draft committee under the chairmanship of Development Commissioner for Iron and Steel has been set up to prepare the Draft National Policy. The Committee has prepared a first draft and the same is under examination in consultation with major steel producers and associations.

This information was given by the Minister for Steel Shri Braja Kishore Tripathy in a written reply in the Lok Sabha today.