An outlay of Rs.
2200 crore has been made for the Tenth Five Year Plan for the
implementation of the schemes/programmmes relating to development
of small-scale industries in the country. During the Ninth Five
Year Plan an amount of Rs. 3662.68 crore (provisional) has been
spent by the Central Government for implementation of various
schemes/programmes for development of small scale industries in
the country. The setting up of small industries is an activity
of the individual entrepreneur. Government, however, facilitate
the development and promotion of small scale sector through various
schemes/programmes which are implemented throughout the country
in a unified manner for which allocation of funds is made scheme/programme-wise
and not State-wise.
This information
was given by Minister of State for Small Scale Industries, Smt.
Vasundhara Raje in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.