2nd December, 2002
Ministry of Science & Technology  


The National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), of CSIR based at Nagpur is to undertake Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies in Raniganj coalfields, West Bengal at the behest of the Great Eastern Energy Corporation Ltd. (GEECL). NEERI will assess the potential environmental impact and also prepare a report incorporating environmental management plan. This is for preventing and minimising adverse impact on the ecology in the area. Baseline environmental quality data for air, water, noise, land, terrestrial ecology and socio-economic status etc. already collected, will form the basis of identification, prediction and evaluation of impact due to the proposed activity of GEECL.

The Great Eastern Energy Corporation Ltd. proposes to explore for the first time methane from coal-bed in the Raniganj coalfields. The coal seams are said to have a depth of 1,100 mtrs. Coal-bed methane (CBM), the natural gas contained in coal or bituminous lignite beds under reservoir conditions, is considered a potential source of energy as an alternative to conventional fuels like coal, petroleum and fuel-wood.

Several investigative procedures applied for de-gassification of deep coalmines for reducing the hazards have led to the coming up of coal-bed methane industry. The technology is also available now for safe extraction and commercial utilisation of the coal-bed methane. The production of CBM by this technology, considerably reduces the amount of methane vis-à-vis green house gas being vented into the atmosphere, either through natural process or mining operations.