Central Electricity Authority
has accorded techno-economic clearance to 2X96 MW Allain Duhangan
Hydro-Electric Project in Himachal Pradesh by Rajasthan Spinning
& Weaving Mills Limited (RSWM) at an estimated completed cost
of Rs.922 crore including interest during construction and financing
cost to the tune of Rs.206 crore. Water from Allain and Duhangan
streams (Nallah), the tributaries of river Beas in Kullu District
of Himachal Pradesh, would be led in two tunnels to a common storage
reservoir which in turn would be connected to an underground hydro
power station by means of 1.75 kilometre long pressure shaft.
Considering the flow pattern of the two streams and cost economy,
the installed capacity has been optimised at 192 MW, which would
ensure over 96 per cent utilisation of the available hydro power
potential. As per the agreement reached between the promoter (RSWM)
and and Government of Himachal Pradesh, 12 per cent of the deliverable
energy would be given free of cost to Himachal Pradesh for the
first 12 years and 18 per cent for the next 28 years. It is proposed
by the promoters to sell power to Delhi, for which wheeling arrangement
shall be done by Powergrid. As the power is proposed to be sold
outside Himachal Pradesh, the tariff shall be decided by the Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission. The debt to equity ratio of
the project would be 70:30 and the debt package of Rs.645 crore
is proposed to be raised through ICICI Limited. The project is
likely to be commissioned by the year 2008.