26th August, 2002
Ministry of Steel  


Iron Ore production in the country, during April & May 2002 has grown by 14 per cent compared to the production of these two months last year. The production during April & May 2002 has been 16.16 million tonnes against 14.16 million tonnes during this period last year. During May 2002, the production was nearly 78 lakh tonnes against 70 lakh tonnes during last May. The public sector mines have produced nearly 48 per cent of the total production during the month.

During May 2002, Goa has produced 22 per cent of the total production in the country, followed by Orissa 21 per cent, Chattisgarh and Karnataka 20 per cent each and Jharkhand 16 per cent.

India ranks 6th in production of iron ore in the world and accounts for about 6 per cent of total production. China tops the list followed by Brazil, Russia, Australia and United States.

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