The President has
given his assent to the Multi-State Co-operative Societies Bill,
2002. With this, the Bill as passed during the Budget Session
of Parliament ending May 17, 2002, has been notified in the Gazette
of India as Act No. 39 of the year 2002. It shall come into force
on a date to be notified by the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperation.
Different provisions of the Act are to be implemented by different
notifications and on different dates to be fixed by that Ministry.
The Multi-State
Co-Operative Societies Act, which supersedes the Multi-Cooperative
Societies Act, 1984 rendered irrelevant to the present day needs,
seeks to consolidate and amend the law relating to cooperative
societies, with objects not confined to one State and serving
the interests of members in more than one State, to facilitate
the voluntary formation and democratic functioning of cooperatives
as people’s institutions based on self-help and mutual aid. It
also seeks to enable the cooperatives to promote their economic
and social betterment and provide functional autonomy for related
matters. Under the Act, there will be a Central Registrar overseeing
and regulating multi-state cooperative societies. It has two schedules.
The first schedule enunciates seven cooperative principles and
the second schedule lists 21 cooperative societies of national
importance. Under the Act, a quasi-judicial authority titled the
Cooperative Disputes Settlement Authority will be set up to replace
the existing system of such settlement by the Central Registrar.
This is intended to ensure quicker and more judicious settlement
of disputes.