Every sector of the society, be it
education, land, water, waste or environment needs effective management.
For this, stress was laid on meaningful networking arrangements
between leading management institutions, reputed departments of
management in universities, smaller centres of management education
in the private sector, professional societies, industries as well
as other user organisations. This was considered while discussing
the 10th Plan proposals of the education sector. The
Minister for Human Resource Development and Science and Technology
Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi said this here today, while inaugurating
a conference on "Indian Management Education : Vision 2010", organised
by the PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Refuting strongly the view that management
education is a concept from the West, Dr. Joshi said that, in
fact, it originated from India and spread to other parts of the
world. The Western concept restricts it to corporate management
alone with profit as the motive. Management should, in fact, cover
the entire spectrum of life and society with ethical values. Value
education, value management would alone lead to a value society.
This must be reflected in Indian management education and systems,
said Dr. Joshi.
Urging the industry to realise that
striving for excellence and social good should be the motive in
Indian management systems, the Minister asked them to ponder why
it did not yield the desired results. The Indian Management Associations
should try to find where the lacuna is and remove the same. Management
education should aim to develop competent, socially conscious,
ethical managers with a national and global mindset. He also asked
the industry to adopt schools or take up their mid-day meal programme.