15th August, 2002
Prime Minister's Office  


Following are the highlights from the Prime Minister, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s Independence Day address from the ramparts of the Red Fort, here today:


  • Homage to jawans, Kisans and workers.
  • Greetings to scientists, teachers and women.
  • Blessings to children – the future of our nation.
  • Good wishes to members of India’s Diaspora living in distant lands.
  • Congratulations to medal winners of Commonwealth Games.
  • Special tribute to Mahatma Gandhi, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose and all other great leaders of the freedom struggle.
  • Tribute to martyrs, who foiled the terrorist attack on Parliament on December 13.


  • Despite its claim to oppose terrorism at international level, our neighbour adopts double standards on terrorism.
  • Jammu & Kashmir is an integral part of India and will remain so.
  • Kashmir is a test case of Sarva Dharma Sambhav – secularism.
  • Resolve to defeat cross-border terrorism in Jammu & Kashmir.
  • India wants all issues to be resolved peacefully and through negotiations.
  • Elections in Jammu & Kashmir will be fully free and fair. No one will be allowed to create disturbances in the elections.
  • Appeal to the people of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh to participate in elections in large number.
  • Expresses confidence that all the displaced people including Kashmiri Pandits will be able to back to their homes with respect in the new situation that will be created after the elections.
  • Assure the people of Jammu & Kashmir that amends will be made for any mistakes that have occurred. Discussions will take place on the demand for more powers to the State.
  • In North-Eastern States also there is a desire for peace and intensified demand for faster economic growth.
  • Efforts for permanent peace in Nagaland progressing towards success. Invitation for peace talks to all those who have taken to path of violence in North Eastern States.


  • Economy of scarcity has been transformed into an economy of surplus.
  • Removing poverty speedily is the chief objective of economic reforms. Living standards of common man rising.
  • Appeal to all political parties to arrive at a consensus on minimum agenda for power sector reforms to ensure sustained power supply.
  • Process of construction of nearly sixty lakh new houses initiated. Out of these 35 lakh are in rural areas.
  • A network of world-class highways being laid across the country.
  • Rs. 55, 000 crore to be spent on National Highway Development Project.
  • Rs. 60, 000 crore Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana will link every village with an all-weather road in five years.
  • Eight per cent yearly growth in GDP targeted in the Tenth Plan.


  • There is stability in the country today. Democracy has become stronger.
  • Commitment to carry out electoral reforms. Firm resolve to keep criminal elements away from power.
  • A Lakshman Rekha needs to be drawn in our political conduct.
  • Consensus among political parties on issues of national security


  • Appeal to the countrymen to display the same emotional unity on the issue of national development as always done on the issue of national security.
  • Make development a powerful people’s movement.
  • Need to rise above casteism and communalism. No place for violence in a civilized society. The horrific explosion of communal violence in Gujarat was one unfortunate example.
  • Maintaining peace, communal amity, national unity and integrity in most serious circumstances is a must.
  • Government and the Society share the responsibility to provide security and equal opportunities for the minorities.
  • No compromise with corruption at any level.

  • Collective responsibility to ensure that Dalits, oppressed and people belonging to backward classes enjoy social justice and equality.
  • The period of reservations for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes in government service extended for another ten years.


  • Country reeling under a severe drought and floods in some places.
  • Government has taken every possible step to deal effectively with the drought. Godowns are brimming with foodgrains and no one will die of hunger.
  • Relief to weaker sections of the society by extending the scope of Antyoday Anna Yojana. Drought relief programmes being speeded up under Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana. Rs. Five thousand crore given to States to undertake various "Food-for-Work" activities.
  • Prices of essential goods under control.
  • Government is preparing an effective, long-term strategy to protect the country from drought and floods.
  • Concerted efforts will have to be made to save every drop of water. Watershed management, rainwater harvesting and such techniques have to be adopted.


  • Pradhan Mantri Grameen Jal Samvardhan Yojana to be unveiled shortly.
  • One lakh hand-pumps to be installed in water scarce areas.
  • Drinking water facilities will be provided in one lakh primary schools in rural areas.
  • One lakh traditional sources of drinking water to be revived.
  • Fifteen other initiatives for economic and social development approved.


  • India stands proudly on the world stage – tall, self-reliant and full of self-confidence. Our prestige is on the rise internationally.
  • Achievements should not be overlooked. Honest introspection needed as we have the potential to achieve much more than what we have achieved so far.

  • Message of fifty-fifth anniversary is to strive for the realization of the dream of making India a developed nation.

  • Overemphasis on shortcomings gives rise to disappointment.
  • Dream of an India in which both the Government and Society are sensitive.
  • Aim to free India from poverty and unemployment and make India a developed nation by 2020.
  • Let us create a new future for ourselves.

  • All programmes and dreams for progress will come true only when probity and morality in public life are strictly adhered to.
  • Need to bring about a change in the mindset of political parties and people.

  • Need for those in politics and administration to change their behaviour and citizens to change their attitude.
  • Need to change the mindset of depending on the Government for every work.