There are 80,956 cases
pending in the Patna High Court as on date.
Against the approved
strength of 31 judges of the Patna High Court as on August 1,
2002, 23 permanent judges including three transferree judges are
in position in that High Court. Besides, five judges from Patna
High Court are working in other High Courts.
As against six vacancies,
which can be filled up by appointment in that High Court, recommendation
for filling up of two vacancies only has been received from the
Patna High Court. Recommendations for filling up of the remaining
vacancies are awaited from the Chief Justice of that High Court.
The remaining two vacancies in the Patna High Court can be filled
up by transfer of judges from other High Courts.
As for increasing
the judges strength of the Patna High Court, it is hereby stated
that the approved strength of a High Court is fixed taking into
account the volume of institution and disposal of main cases and
not on the basis of population.
In addition, the judge
strength of every High Court is reviewed every three years. In
this connection, the Centre’s request to Chief Justices of all
the High Courts to furnish comprehensive details regarding institution
and disposal of main cases during the period 1997-2001 by July
31, 2002 has not been responded by majority of High Courts although
the review once in three years for increasing the strength of
judges in High Courts is due in the current year.