7th August, 2002
Ministry of Textiles  


The Minister of State for Textiles, Shri Basanagouda R. Patil exhorted the Silk Exporters Council to set and achieve an ambitious export target of one billion US $ by the end of the current plan. The Council has achieved silk export target of Rs. 2235 crore( US $ 470 million) during the year 2001-2002 despite adverse condition. Inaugurating a Seminar on Marketing Development Assistance Scheme here today, he stated that the silk industry in the country is one of the few industries, which has the potential to emerge as a true global player in export trade.

Speaking on the occasion he said that while the Ministry has farmers’ interest in mind, it wishes to give all its support to increase exports. All exporters must be made aware of the MDA Scheme so that they avail of its benefits for the diversification and growth of India’s export trade.

He told the gathering that the introduction of the new package of technologies has pushed up productivity in sericulture by about 2.5 times increasing farmers’ and reelers’ income significantly. The domestic prices have been adversely affected by the reversionary pressure on global economy, decline in price of raw silk and accumulation of unsold stocks due to financial difficulties of State Apex societies.

The Government has taken several steps to relieve the silk farmers of the hardship caused due to decline in raw silk and silk cocoon sales. Investigation has been started to see if there is any dumping of silk by China. Subsidies and financial support to farmers and reelers are being substantially increased. The Tenth Plan budget of Sericulture sector has been increased by 30% over the Ninth Plan to Rs. 454 and 41% of this amount (Rs. 186 crore) has been kept aside for centrally sponsored plan scheme. Central Silk Board will provide a soft loan of Rs. 1.5 crore to Karnataka Silk Industries Corporation (KSIC) for purchase of cocoon.