7th August, 2002
Ministry of Environment & Forest  



The Government has decided to ratify the Kyoto Protocol on containing the emission of Green House Gases (GHG) that result in Climate Change with adverse consequences on food productivity, sea level, water resources, forests and other eco systems. The Union Cabinet took a decision to this effect last evening. So far, 77 countries have ratified the Protocol.

India is not required to reduce emission of Green House Gases under the Protocol under which basically the developed countries were required to reduce emissions of GHG by an average of 5.2 per cent below 1990 level by 2012. This Protocol was adopted in 1997 by the countries which are Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC). The Convention seeks to stabilise Green House Gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would minimise interference with the climate system.

India will benefit from transfer of technology and additional foreign investments when the Kyoto Protocol comes into force. Additional investments will come into renewable energy, energy generation and efficiency promotion and afforestation projects. India has all along maintained that developed and developing countries have differentiated responsibility towards stabilising emission of GHG. Besides upholding this position, the Kyoto Protocol enables India to take up clean technology projects with external assistance in accordance with national sustainable development priorities.

The Kyoto Protocol provides for three mechanisms that enable the developed countries to meet the emission limitation and reduction commitments. Under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), developed countries would take up Green House Gas reduction activities in developing countries.

India’s decision to ratify the Kyoto Protocol is a reaffirmation of the country’s faith in multilateral process for addressing global environmental problems. It is expected that other countries will also join and ratify the Protocol before the 8th Conference of Parties to the UNFCC to be held in New Delhi from October 23 to November 1, this year. The Protocol comes into force after a minimum of 55 Parties to the Convention included in Annexe-1 accounting for at least 55 per cent of total carbon-di-oxide emissions of Annexe-1 Parties ratified the Protocol. So far 77 countries accounting for 36 per cent of 1990 emissions of Annexe-1 Parties have ratified the Protocol.