2nd August , 2002
Ministry of Defence  



The Price Negotiation Committee set up to negotiate the purchase of Advanced Jet Trainer for Indian Air Force has submitted its report and a decision in this regard will soon be taken by the Union Cabinet. This was announced by the Defence Minister, Shri George Fernandes while addressing the meeting of the Parliamentary Consultative Committee attached to his Ministry here today.

Referring to the ongoing negotiations on the acquisition of Admiral Gorshkov, Shri Fernandes informed the consultative committee members that the same is in an advanced stage of finalisation. However the Minister felt that the delivery of the ship will take three to four years after the finalisation of the negotiations. According to an estimate, the country may have to spend 450 to 500 million US dollars on the modernization and overhauling of this ship, he added.

The Defence Minister said that the government attaches top priority to the country’s security and shortage of funds will not be allowed to get in the way. The Government is aware of the modernisation drive of the Army and the Air Force he said. Some of the major acquisition programmes of the Armed Forces are being delayed due to the interference of certain vested interests who make wild charges against such deals Shri Fernandes said. The Minister opined that such interferences can be overcome only by total transparency in every deal of the Ministry.

The Minister informed the members that the country’s only aircraft carrier INS Virat is still has a residual life of about ten to twelve years. He said that the country may have to build or acquire two more aircraft carriers during this period. He informed the members that the Government would soon take a final decision on the indigenous construction of Air Defence Ship.

The members participating in the discussion were of the view that government should give top priority to the modernization of the Navy and the Air Force. They said that indigenous production and research should be encouraged to meet the challenges arising out of technology denial. One of the members expressed concern over the shortage of officers in Indian Air Force and requested the government to take early appropriate action. Another member called for according priority to the acquisition of aircraft carrier by Indian Navy owing to the ageing INS Virat. A member called for top priority to the acquisition of AWACS. Another member expressed concern over the slow pace of modernization of Navy and Air Force. While another expressed concern over the growing number of crashes of MiG-21s. One member referred to the threat from China and said that country’s security programme should keep in view the military might of China.

The following members attended the meeting - Smt. Jayshree Banerjee, Capt. Inder Singh, Shri Kunwar Akhilesh Singh and Dr. C Krishnan from Lok Sabha and Shri TN Chaturvedi, Shri Kripal Parmar, Shri Swaraj Kaushal and Dr. Vijay Mallya all from Rajya Sabha.

The Minister of State for Defence Shri Chaman Lal Gupta, Defence Secretary, Shri Subir Dutta; Secretary, Defence Production and Supplies, Shri Ajit M Nimbalkar and Secretary Defence Finance, Shri Biswajit Banerjee were amongst those present at the meeting.