26th April, 2002
Ministry of Information & Broadcasting  


The Government would usher in a policy framework to fully realize the potential of the entertainment sector and make India a hub of the entertainment sector. The Government will play the role of a pro-active facilitator in this regard.

Delivering the key-note address on "India as an Entertainment Hub: A Role for Government" at the CII National Conference and Annual Session, here today, the Information and Broadcasting Minister, Smt. Sushma Swaraj said that ‘our vibrant democracy – a record of more than 50 years our strong legal and judicial system, freedom of the fourth estate and the capabilities of our entrepreneurs, provide the right mix of ingredients for India to be the hub of the entertainment industry’. She said the ban uplinking from Indian soil has been removed and 56 channels are already uplinking from India today. FDI in teleports is permissible upto 49 per cent and 14 companies have been licenced. Carriage technologies of DTH as well as cable are available to the entrepreneurs. FDI in advertising and film sector has been permitted to 100 per cent without any conditions, she added.

Smt. Swaraj informed that for the first time a fairly liberal amount has been budgeted in the 10th Plan for the promotion of Indian films abroad. The Government and the Indian Film Industry will jointly set up a large pavilion at the Cannes Film Festival to be held in the month of may this year. The Minister said that a homage to Raj Kapoor by screening three of his films has been agreed to by the Cannes Authorities and this is the first time that the Indian Film Industry is getting such a recognition at Cannes. She expressed happiness that the film ‘Davdaas’ will be premiered in the special section at Cannes. Visa procedure for foreign crews shooting films in India are likely to be made even more simple. The Government is also pursuing the finalization of co-production agreements with different countries.

The Minister said that the Government recognizes the immense potential of the Entertainment Sector both in the short term and in the long term. In fact, the growth rate of the entertainment industry, which is now nearly 30 per cent per annum, far out-strips the growth rates exhibited by most of the other industries, she added.