25th April, 2002
Ministry of Commerce  



Addressing the Canada-India Business Forum here today, Shri Murasoli Maran, Union Minister of Commerce and Industry, told Canadian entrepreneurs that India offers excellent opportunities to do business and the investment scenario is also very stable. "With an annual average GDP growth of 6.5 per cent a year in the last decade, ours is one among the fastest growing economies in the world. Even during the Asian crisis of 1997-98, India’s growth rate did not fall below 6 per cent. The Indian rupee continues to be strong and stable. Our current annual rate of inflation is below 3 per cent. Despite the global economic slowdown, our growth prospects, even in the short term, are brighter than elsewhere", the Minister said.

Shri Maran said that India’s foreign investment policy was perhaps one of the most open and liberal in the developing world. FDI upto 100% is permitted in a host of areas including several infrastructure sectors, while under the new Exim Policy announced just a few weeks ago, the Special Economic Zones have been made even more appealing for foreign investors, Shri Maran said. He said there was a paradigm shift in the attitude of states also and the emphasis of reforms was increasingly getting shifted. "Each one is now competing with the other to get more FDI. This competitive spirit and realisation will soon remove many of the bottlenecks that may prevail at the state-level now. We all understand clearly that we have moved from a world where the big eat the small to a world where the fast eat the slow and we realise that SPEED is the key of the reform process", he said. Mr. Pierre S Pettigrew, Minister for International Trade, Canada also addressed the inaugural session and later the two Ministers jointly released a Book on Canada. Shri Sanjiv Goenka, President, CII and the Canadian High Commissioner to India, Mr. Peter Sutherland were amongst others present at the inaugural session.

Noting that the total trade between India and Canada was still under US $ 2 billion, Shri Maran said that there was much that Canada could offer India in terms of high technology especially for the infrastructure sector. He urged greater Canadian investment in India and pointed out that FDI inflow from Canada to India was the lowest amongst the G-8 countries, being just 1.1% of the total FDI inflow. This situation needs to be reversed, he said. The Canada-India Business Forum could play an important role in catalysing trade and commerce between the two countries and in enabling the realisation of its full potential, Shri Maran said while expressing the hope that this target would be achieved with our joint efforts.

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