24th April, 2002
Ministry of Commerce  



The Government of India was administering an Industrial Park Scheme, 1999 for providing tax benefits under sub-section 4(iii) of Section 801A of the IT Act to Industrial Park/Industrial Model Town/Growth Centre set up between 01/04/1997 and 31/03/2002. This Scheme was published on 1/12/1999 in Gazette of India (Extraordinary) bearing S.O. No.1201 (E).

The Finance Act 2001, with effect from 01/04/2002, has further liberalised the tax benefits under sub-section 4(iii) of Section 801A of the IT Act. Now there is provision of 100% tax exemption to any undertaking engaged in developing, developing & operating or operating & maintaining an Industrial Park for ten consecutive years out of the next 15 years when the Industrial Park is developed. These benefits, which were earlier applicable to those Industrial Parks set up between 1/4/1997 and 31/3/2002, have now been extended to Industrial Parks, which will be developed till 31/03/2006. These amendments in the IT Act have necessitated the formulation of the new scheme. This modified scheme has recently been published in Gazette of India (Extraordinary) bearing S.O. No.354 (E) on 1/4/2002.

The basic aims and procedure in the Industrial Park Scheme, 2002 remains same as that of the previous Industrial Park Scheme 1999. It aims at setting up of Industrial Park/Industrial Model Town/ Growth Centre for development of infrastructural facilities including common facilities such as roads, power, water, drainage, telecommunications, etc., within its precincts.

The Government hopes that entrepreneurs will avail of the benefits of the aforesaid scheme.