April 13, 2002



    The Social Justice and Empowerment Minister, Dr. Satyanarayan Jatiya was felicitated by the Scheduled Caste community in U.K. at a reception in London on April 11, 2002. The reception was hosted by Shri Guru Balmiki Sabha, South Hall. Dr. Jatiya appreciated the patriotic feelings of this community towards India despite having lived away from their motherland for long. He invited their suggestions for improving the lot of Dalits in India and said that the same may be sent to his Ministry. Dr. Jatiya apprised them of the various measures initiated by his Ministry in empowering Dalits to facilitate their integration with the mainstream. He said that the Government is committed to provide social justice to marginalised and weaker sections of the society as envisaged in the Constitution of India. Dr. Jatiya was on a day’s visit to London on his way back home after attending the World Assembly on Aged in Spanish Capital, Madrid as leader of the Indian delegation.