April 08, 2002



    In pursuance of Government’s commitment to further facilitate Indian industry to engage unhindered in various activities, Government has permitted, except for a small negative list, access to the automatic route for FDI. The automatic route means that foreign investors only need to inform the Reserve Bank of India within 30 days of bringing in their investment, and again within 30 days of issuing any shares. The negative list includes the following:

  1. All proposals that require an industrial license because the activity is licensable under the Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951, cases where foreign investment is more than 24% in the equity capital of units manufacturing items reserved for small scale industries, and all activity that requires an industrial license in terms of the locational policy notified by Government under the Industrial Policy of 1991
  2. All proposals in which the foreign collaborator has a previous venture/tie up in India.
  3. All proposals relating to acquisition of shares in an existing Indian company in favour of a foreign/Non Resident Indian (NRI)/ Overseas Corporate Body (OCB) investor.
  4. All proposals falling outside notified sectoral policy/ caps or under sectors in which FDI is not permitted and/or whenever any investor chooses to make an application to the Foreign Investment Promotion Board and not to avail of the automatic route.
  1. For FDI upto 51% - US $ 0.5 million to be brought upfront
  2. For FDI above 51% and up to 75% - US $ 5 million to be brought upfront
  3. For FDI above 75% and up to 100% - US $ 50 million out of which US $ 7.5 million to be brought upfront and the balance in 24 months.
  1. 100% FDI permitted for B to B e-commerce
  2. Condition of Dividend Balancing on 22 consumer items removed forthwith.
  3. Removal of cap on foreign investment in the Power sector
  4. 100% FDI permitted in oil-refining
  1. Arms and ammunition, explosives and allied items of defence equipment, defence aircraft and warships ;
  2. Atomic substances ;
  3. Narcotics and psychotropic substances and hazardous chemicals ;
  4. Distillation and brewing of alcoholic drinks; and
  5. Cigarettes/cigars and manufactured tobacco substitutes.
  1. ISPs not providing gateways (both for satellite & submarine cables) ;
  2. Infrastructure Providers providing dark fiber (IP Category I) ;
  3. Electronic Mail ; and
  4. Voice Mail.
  1. Internet services providers with gateways;
  2. Radio paging ; and
  3. End-to-end bandwidth

    The second meeting of IJID was held on 7.12.2000 in Tokyo. It was decided that in addition to the existing Working Groups, three more Working Groups on Chemicals, Environment and Implementation issues may be set up in CII & FICCI respectively under the aegis of IJID.

    The Government has set up the Foreign Investment Implementation Authority (FIIA) in the Ministry of Commerce & Industry. The FIIA has mandate to provide translation of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) approvals into implementation, provide a pro-active one stop after care service to foreign investors by helping them obtain necessary approvals, sort out operational problems and meet with various Government agencies to find solutions to problems and maximising opportunities through a partnership approach. The FIIA may co-opt other Secretaries to the Government of India, Chief Commissioner (NRI), top functionaries of financial institutions and professional experts from industry and commerce, as and when necessary. The Secretariat for Industrial Assistance (SIA) in the Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion shall function as the Secretariat of the FIIA.

    For conducting meeting of FIIA, the country has been divided into four regions. So far, eight meetings of FIIA have been held. The region-wise break-up of the meetings is – northern (3), western (2), southern (2) and eastern (1).